Affiliate Disclosure

Transparency in Affiliate Partnerships

At TechTopaz, our goal is to recommend high-quality PC hardware based on thorough research and testing. To support our work, we partner with various retailers through affiliate programs.

When you click on a link on our site to an affiliate partner and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission. However, this does not change the price you pay. Our reviews and guides remain impartial and aim to help readers make informed choices.

Commissions help cover the costs of running comprehensive tests, writing detailed reviews, and continuously updating our site with the latest products. This allows us to maintain TechTopaz as a free resource for the PC enthusiast community.

Privacy and Product Policies

Each retailer partner operates independently and has its own privacy and terms of use. We advise reviewing these before providing any personal information or completing a purchase through their site.

As an independent review platform, TechTopaz is not responsible for the policies or services of our affiliate partners. Any queries regarding an order should be directed to the merchant in question.

Transparency is important to us. If you ever have any other questions about our affiliate programs and how we maintain editorial integrity, please contact us. We strive for the highest standards of honest and unbiased recommendations to help navigate the world of PC hardware.